World Pension Summit 2024
Join our session on 'Biodiversity Matters - The Investment Challenge'
Biodiversity Matters - The Investment Challenge
AXA Investment Managers is a proud sponsoring partner for the 15th edition of the Pensions & Investments World Pension Summit, taking place at the Louwman Museum in The Hague from 5th November to 7th November.

Biodiversity is increasingly finding its way into money managers’ strategy line-ups and into investors’ portfolios. AXA IM's Jeroen Bos, Global Head of Equity, will be discussing the development of natural capital as an investment opportunity and what is still needed from regulators and the wider investment community to successfully integrate biodiversity into your portfolio on a panel titled Biodiversity Matters - The Investment Challenge.

AXA IM is committed to supporting the protection and conservation of wild birds and their habitats, and we are proud to announce our donation to Vogelbescherming Nederland, the Dutch Partner of BirdLifeInternational, on behalf of our delegates at the World Pension Summit.
Vogelbescherming Nederland's mission, "Together for Birds and People," reflects our shared passion for conserving biodiversity and preserving the quality of our living environment, with a focus on birds and nature. The organisation engages in targeted conservation programs, advocacy, and awareness-raising activities in the Netherlands and worldwide.
Vogelbescherming’s work includes advocating for the conservation of Important Bird Areas such as the Waddensea, IJsselmeer, and the southwestern Delta, developing restoration projects, and collaborating with reserve managers and volunteers. Moreover, Vogelbescherming is actively involved in advocating for nature-inclusive agriculture and promoting bird-friendly neighbourhoods and towns.

Climate change poses a real and material risk - responsible investment can help mitigate the effects and create investment opportunities.
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