Fixed income at AXA IM
Fixed income offers a myriad of investment opportunities whether investors are looking for euro credit, US investment grade or US high yield, we have solutions to help investors build diverse portfolios. Find out more about why fixed income investors choose to invest with AXA IM.
More on fixed incomeOur Fixed Income Strategies
We cover a broad spectrum of fixed income strategies to help investors build diverse portfolios that can be more resilient to economic and market shifts.
Forget the politics: Why election uncertainty won’t, and shouldn’t, put investors off the US
Political uncertainty is unlikely to knock investor sentiment towards the US. After all, it is home to some of the world’s leading and most innovative companies across a range of different sectors.
Read the articleOur range of investment strategies aim to meet the financial challenges we face today. We actively look for opportunities that will provide long-term investment growth whilst seeking to minimise volatility.
Sustainable Europe
European equities can offer a diverse source of attractive, large-scale growth opportunities and access to global sources of revenue across market sectors.
Investing in automation and robotics - How are companies capitalising on robotics – and what does this mean for investors?
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Our new ETF platform gives investors greater access to the AXA IM expertise they trust, in the format of their choice.
Explore the rangeProtect yourself from fraud
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Risk warning
The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.