Investment Themes

US High Yield strategies

AXA IM offers a range of US high yield strategies investing across credit ratings and maturities.

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Investment Approach

Our US high yield team is based in Greenwich, Connecticut, and has dedicated US high yield traders sitting alongside the portfolio managers and analysts. This advantage enables us to leverage opportunities and share ideas quickly and efficiently.

This local presence has helped create market leading and pioneering solutions for you, such as US short duration high yield.

The investment team’s experience in managing through multiple economic and credit cycles is reflected in the strong track record on avoiding defaults through rigorous credit selection.   

High Yield

Investing in High Yield Bonds

High yield investing has the potential to offer risk-aware investors an attractive source of income.

Learn more

Investment Process

All of our US strategies follow a robust bottom-up credit research process that is based on the belief that superior long-term returns are realised through compounding current income and avoiding principal loss. We aim to achieve this through fundamental credit analysis that focuses on companies with improving credit trends.

In this way we aim to provide you with a process that minimises default risk and manages volatility through active management, while pursuing high yielding opportunities and potentially generating capital growth.


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    All investment involves risk, including the loss of capital. The value of investments .and the income from them can fluctuate and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

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