Our top-level policies
We were among the first asset managers to put in place a blanket exclusion for companies which derive more than 30% of revenues from coal. We also exclude assets linked to food commodities, deforestation and other unsustainable practices causing natural ecosystem conversion. and follow exclusion rules on controversial weapons such as Anti-Personnel Landmines.
We also manage Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Responsible Investment funds applying additional exclusions policies to help systematically address the most severe sustainability risks in the investment decision-making process.
Climate risk policy
To support Paris Agreement goals and the transition to a low-carbon economy, we aim to progressively reduce our exposure to carbon intensive sectors by excluding companies most exposed to coal and unconventional oil & gas oil sand activities and by engaging with a selection of companies not excluded by our criteria.
Controversial weapons policy
We consider that investment in companies involved in Controversial Weapons activities or provisions to such companies should be avoided.
Ecosystem protection & deforestation policy
Deforestation and natural ecosystems conversion have devastating consequences, both for the environment and society, and has pushed many species to the brink of extinction. We aim to avoid investment in companies involved in deforestation and natural ecosystem conversion when negative business practices are clearly identified.
Soft commodities policy
We strive not to participate in short-term instruments commodities or enter into speculative transactions that may contribute to price inflation in basic agricultural or marine commodities.
Tobacco Policy
As a responsible investor, at AXA IM we avoid investing in companies involved in the production of tobacco. The negative impact of tobacco is well documented and as a result many investors are divesting from the sector.
ESG Standards Policy
Our ESG integrated and ACT strategies apply our ESG standards policy, with additional exclusions on tobacco producers, white phosphorus weapons producers, companies in violation of International Norms and Standards and exposed to severe controversies UNGC breaches as well as those with and poor ESG quality. We also avoid investing in debt instruments issued by countries where the worst forms of human right violations are observed.
Download Policy (June 2024)Stewardship
We are not a passive partner for clients – we are an active owner of assets on their behalf. AXA IM’s stewardship strategy seeks to protect client investments by raising issues of concern that may have a material impact on company performance and investor value over the longer term. We strive to reduce investment risk, enhance returns and drive positive impacts for society and the environment.
Through our stewardship activities, we seek to use our influence as investors to encourage companies to mitigate environmental and social risks relevant to their sectors.
Stewardship report
We believe that a robust and measurable stewardship and engagement strategy will build a beneficial environment for our clients.
Corporate governance & voting policy
We regularly update the standards by which we conduct our interactions with corporate management. Download our Voting Policy to find out more.
Conflict of interests policy
This document aims at explaining AXA IM’s approach to conflicts of interests arising from its stewardship activities and is complementary to AXA IM’s general conflict of interests policy.
Engagement policy
We take an active engagement approach, emphasising direct dialogue with companies on sustainability and governance issues that have a material impact on long-term financial performance.
PRI 2023 Assessment Report
The assessment report is designed to provide feedback to signatories and support ongoing learning and development.
2023 Article 29 / TCFD report
Our joint Article 29 of the French Energy & Climate Law & Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) report reflects in a comprehensive manner our commitments and strategies regarding the integration ESG criteria in our activities, notably regarding climate change & biodiversity.
Climate action report
As the window to act on the climate emergency narrows, as a global investor, business and employer, we know that our response to tackling the climate crisis must go beyond what is expected of an asset manager calling itself ‘responsible’. Here, we report on our progress, innovations and commitments that lie at the heart of our climate strategy.
TCFD report
This report aims to address the French Article 29 of the Law Energy-Climate regulatory requirements and to follow The Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) recommendations.
Voting records
Full details of our voting behaviour are available on the Proxy Voting Disclosure website.
Active ownership and stewardship report
Our 2021 Active Ownership and Stewardship Report details our interactions with issuers over the year, alongside our vision for expanding that activity in the future.
Sustainable finance
It introduces new rules on disclosures related to sustainable investments and sustainability risks, which are applicable from March 10, 2021.
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