Our Sustainability policies, methodologies & reports

We are firmly committed to embedding sustainability into our business practices and culture.


Our investment philosophy is based on the conviction that sustainable development issues are a major concern for the coming years and need to be considered to build stable and profitable/ prosperous portfolios.

Our top-level policies

Our top-level screening policies – covering Controversial Weapons, Soft Commodities, Climate Risks, Tobacco and Ecosystem Protection & Deforestation - apply to the vast majority of assets.

We were among the first asset managers to put in place a blanket exclusion for companies which derive revenues from coal, now excluding companies generating more than 15% of revenues from coal. We also exclude assets linked to food commodities, deforestation and other unsustainable practices causing natural ecosystem conversion. as well as tobacco producers and follow exclusion rules on controversial weapons such as Anti-Personnel Landmines.


ESG Standards Policy

Our ESG integrated and ACT strategies apply our ESG standards policy, with additional exclusions on white phosphorus weapons producers, companies in violation of International Norms and Standards and exposed to severe controversies UNGC breaches as well as those with and poor ESG quality. We also avoid investing in debt instruments issued by countries where the worst forms of human right violations are observed.

Download Policy (January 2025)


We want businesses to be more responsible because we believe this will deliver value for clients – in the form of risk-adjusted returns in the medium-term, and by building a sustainable and prosperous economy over the longer term.

We are not a passive partner for clients – we are an active owner of assets on their behalf. AXA IM’s stewardship strategy seeks to protect client investments by raising issues of concern that may have a material impact on company performance and investor value over the longer term. We strive to reduce investment risk, enhance returns and drive positive impacts for society and the environment.


AXA IM Sustainable Labels policy

The document presents AXA IM implementation of sustainability-related labels (Label ISR, Label Greenfin and Towards Sustainability Label). AXA IM aims to offer sustainable funds complying with high Responsible Investment standards to its clients. Sustainable labels provide an additional level of guarantee on the quality of our funds, in line with their respective rulebooks

Read our policy (Feb 25)


We attach great importance to communicating with our clients in the most transparent and exhaustive way possible, to give them a complete analysis of responsible investment and help them understand it.


Sustainable finance

It introduces new rules on disclosures related to sustainable investments and sustainability risks, which are applicable from March 10, 2021.

Find out more


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