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September Monthly Investment Strategy - The sum of all fears

Developments in the US economy continue to drive markets. The Fed started its easing cycle with an aggressive 50bp cut. US market volatility could persist into Novembers elections. Yet external factors are necessary to reconcile market pricing and US outlook.
China continues to concern. Domestic demand weakens further as house prices fall and the labour market softens. The authorities’ stimulus through industrial investment appears to be fading. We expect more stimulus, but the risks of a more severe slowdown in China are growing.
Adjustments to Japanese policy and impacts on repatriation flows have also impacted markets.
Eurozone activity is mixed but still subdued overall with pressing longer-term concerns, including the industrial complex, politics and fiscal stability.
These broader assessments are likely weighing on risk sentiment at the margins.

Beyond the US

It is difficult to look beyond the US economy as the key market driving force. The Federal Reserve (Fed) cut rates by 50 basis points (bps) – a strong start to the easing cycle that it now envisages unfolding more quickly than in June. In the US section of this report, we question the scale of the easing that markets, and now implicitly the Fed, expect over the coming year. Indeed, we believe the Fed’s reactivity to short-term data and recent communications have added to market volatility over the last few months, with rate volatility indices back towards start-of-year highs.

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