Navigate volatility with sustainable equities

Defensive to the core: navigate volatility with sustainable equities

Investors today are faced with a barrage of uncertainty

How can long-term investors seek to participate in some of the growth potential associated with listed equities, whilst minimising downside participation?

Fortify your investments with advanced factor investing capabilities

A risk-adjusted, smart equity strategy can efficiently and effectively target companies with:

High Quality

Low Volatility


Sustainable Returns

Investing in companies with high earnings sustainability may offer defensiveness in market downturns while also seeking to capture returns.

Investing in less volatile stocks may lower a portfolio’s risk profile and reduce participation in market downturns.

Integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria may help reduce risks and improve long-term returns.

Targeting these factors could result in achievable, modest, repeatable returns over time.

Cost-effective portfolio management with low turnover and managed liquidity aims to minimise the effect of adverse economic conditions across market cycles.

Sustainable equities as part of a core investment allocation could help long-term investors achieve growth goals over time

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