A sustainable and resilient core holding for long-term investors and savers
Our Buy and Maintain Credit strategies actively seek to enhance the returns from the investment grade credit market over the longer term via intelligently constructed and highly diversified portfolios. We aim to maximise value by monitoring and mitigating against costs from turnover and transactions.
25+ years
Our longest running, flagship fixed income strategy with fully-integrated Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factor analysis.1
€283 billion
Assets under management. Our size and scale affords us excellent access to the credit markets and the ability to engage effectively with issuers on behalf of our clients.2
11 bps
Saved on every fixed income trade executed. Our centralised dealing desk, with traders specialised by market, instrument and region, adds vital value by minimising transaction cost ‘leakage'.3
- QXMgYXQgMzEvMTIvMjAyMS4gQVhBIElNIEludGVybmFsIFRyYWRpbmcsIFNlY3VyaXRpZXMgRmluYW5jaW5nICZhbXA7YW1wOyBEZXJpdmF0aXZlcyBkaXZpc2lvbiBhbmFseXNpcyBvZiB0aGUgY29zdCBvZiBhIHJlcHJlc2VudGF0aXZlIGFtb3VudCBvZiBmaXhlZCBpbmNvbWUgdHJhZGVzIGV4ZWN1dGVkIHZlcnN1cyB0aGUgcHJldmFpbGluZyBtYXJrZXQgcHJpY2UgYnkgb3VyIFBhcmlzLCBMb25kb24gYW5kIEhvbmcgS29uZyB0cmFkaW5nIGNlbnRyZXMgaW4gMjAyMS4gRWFjaCBmaXhlZCBpbmNvbWUgdHJhbnNhY3Rpb24gaXMgYW5hbHlzZWQgYnkgb3VyIGludGVybmFsIFRyYWRlIENvc3QgQW5hbHlzaXMgY2FsY3VsYXRpb24gdG9vbCB3aGVyZSB0aGUgZm9sbG93aW5nIGNvbnN0cmFpbnRzIGFyZSBtZXQ6IFNlY29uZGFyeSBtYXJrZXQgb24gRVVSIC8gVVNEIC8gR0JQLCBOb24tTW9uZXkgTWFya2V0LCBNYXR1cml0eSAmYW1wO2d0OyAxIFllYXIsIEJvbmQgaXNzdWUgJmFtcDtndDsg4oKsMzAwTSBhbmQgdGhlIGJvbmQgaXMgc2V0IHVwIGluIGludGVybmFsIFRTRiBwcmljZXJzIGF0IHRyYWRlIGRhdGUuIFRoaXMgaW5mb3JtYXRpb24gaXMgaW50ZXJuYWxseSBwcm9kdWNlZCBhbmQgdW5hdWRpdGVkLiBQYXN0IGNvc3Qgc2F2aW5ncyBhcmUgbm90IGEgZ3VpZGUgdG8gZnV0dXJlIGNvc3Qgc2F2aW5ncy4=
Why invest in AXA IM's Buy and Maintain Credit strategy?
The full breadth of our credit investing and trading expertise, along with our leading sustainable investing capabilities and state of the art tools, are used to design and construct portfolios that help you achieve your targeted investment outcomes sustainably.
With smart portfolio construction helping to mitigate downside risk over the long term.
Strong multi-level diversification - with issuer, sector and regional diversification.
Our low-turnover approach is designed to maximise returns over the long term while mitigating volatility and capital loss.
Deep credit investing capabilities and innovative trading techniques help drive the minimisation of transaction costs.
Designed to avoid the pitfalls of market-weighted index tracking.
We look to capture the returns from the credit market - with a similar credit rating and duration profile - but less downside risk.
Strong focus on long-term financial, business and ESG risks, both at investment and on an ongoing basis.
Bottom-up credit selection driven by recommendations of a global team of 2
fundamental credit analysts.
Clear portfolio parameters.
Reporting that provides a clear, holistic view on all relevant measures of success.
Portfolios can be custom built around your specific requirements such as investment principles, risk budgets or regulatory frameworks
Pooled options can offer flexible, cost effective access to fully ESG-integrated credit strategy: Sterling , Euro and Global.
Award-winning cashflow strategies for UK pension schemes
Our Buy and Maintain credit approach is at the core of our cashflow driven investing (CDI) solutions.4
It aims to maximise the security of clients’ future cashflows through:
- Capital preservation
- Predictability of cashflow delivery
- Maximising the premium over gilts
- UGVuc2lvbnMgQWdlIEF3YXJkcyAyMDIzIOKAkyBDYXNoLWZsb3cgRHJpdmVuIEludmVzdG1lbnQgTWFuYWdlciBvZiB0aGUgWWVhci4gUmVmZXJlbmNlcyB0byBsZWFndWUgdGFibGVzIGFuZCBhd2FyZHMgYXJlIG5vdCBhbiBpbmRpY2F0b3Igb2YgZnV0dXJlIHJhbmtpbmdzIG9yIGF3YXJkcy4=
How integrating ESG can help build resilient credit portfolios
We believe that integrating Environmental, Social and Governance analysis into our credit strategies leads to more effective investment solutions that help address global challenges and create sustainable value for our clients.
ESG is at the heart of our Buy and Maintain credit strategies
ESG Analysis
- Proprietary ESG scoring methodology
- ESG analysis embedded into our deep fundamental credit research
- Qualitative analysis framework for Sustainable Bonds
Investment process
- ESG performance indicators integrated into investment portfolio decision-making tools
- Strong governance and ESG risk monitoring
- Transparency through ESG dashboards and reporting, as well as engagement status updates
Our long-term buy and maintain credit investments benefit from analysis that considers all global market shifts. Get up to speed by reading how different factors influence the credit market.
Risks considerations for this strategy:
- Market risk and risk of loss of invested capital
- Risks associated with fixed income securities, including, but not limited to, interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risks
- Risks linked to global investments
Investment involves risk. The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and an investor may get back less than the amount invested.