AXA Investment Managers launches an ETF platform with a focus on Active Management and Responsible Investment
- 06 September 2022
- AXA IM leverages its expertise in the active management of thematic and impact strategies to launch a new ETF platform
- It offers investors and clients looking for enhanced liquidity and transparency a complementary value proposition in an ETF structure and provides access to AXA IM’s strengths across responsible investment, quantitative investing and trading
- Dedicated experts have been appointed to support and develop the platform
AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) today announces the launch of an ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) platform (“AXA IM ETF”) focused on active strategies and Responsible Investing (RI) to provide investors looking for enhanced liquidity with access to its strengths across responsible, thematic and quantitative investing.
The platform will initially launch with two actively UN SDG1 (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) aligned ETFs, which have dual objectives of seeking to deliver long-term financial growth and a positive and measurable impact on the environment.
The first two ETFs launched will focus on climate and biodiversity themes.
Commenting on the launch of the new platform, Marco Morelli, Executive Chairman of AXA IM, said: “To meet the changing demands of investors we must continue to innovate and enhance our investment offering, and through the launch of this new platform we do this by combining our active investment insight with the flexibility of an ETF.
“With the support of AXA and leveraging our key strengths, primarily within active management and responsible investing strategies, this platform will complement our existing fund range while answering client demand for ETF structured vehicles and offering them a better trading experience as well as easy access to such strategies, high liquidity, and enhanced transparency due to the nature of these products.”
Hans Stoter, Global Head of AXA IM Core, added: “We are observing long term trends such as blockchain technology, banking disintermediation and the emergence of online brokerage platforms which can transform the way funds are distributed. In that regard, we believe active ETFs will play an important role in the evolution of the asset management industry and we believe we are well placed to embrace such an evolution.
“Even though ETFs are often viewed as passive investments, historically replicating the portfolio holdings and performance of broad market indices, the ETF market has evolved to now offer a range of non-traditional custom-built portfolios. Today’s ETF can be actively managed, further expanding investor choice. In that regard, our new ETF range will complement our wide range of mutual funds.”
In the context of this launch, Brieuc Louchard has joined AXA IM as Head of ETF Capital Markets, joining from Euronext where he was Head of ETF.
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Brieuc Louchard
Brieuc Louchard is Head of ETF Capital Markets at AXA IM since February 2022.
Previously, Brieuc worked at Euronext since 2015 as Business Development manager for ETFs & Funds before being appointed Group Head of ETFs in 2020.
Brieuc started his career in 2007 at IT Asset Management as Portfolio manager. In 2009, he joined Société Générale CIB as a Sales Trader in the Equities team in London, then in the ETFs & Program Trading team in Paris. He then joined Carax Institutional Financial Broker, where he was co-head of the Sales Trading desk for ETFs, Equity derivatives and Equities for Institutional clients.
Brieuc holds a Master’s degree in Business Negotiation & International Affairs from the Novancia Business School and a Master’s degree in Trading & Asset Management from the ESLSCA Business School.
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Issued in the UK by AXA Investment Managers UK Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. Registered in England and Wales No: 01431068. Registered Office: 22 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4BQ
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