Biodiversity collapse - Case study
At AXA IM, we are committed to biodiversity protection. Throughout 2021, this commitment has been continually reaffirmed through a series of actions.
AXA IM participates in various international and local initiatives to support work related to the development of strategies, transparency standards, and practices around the protection of biodiversity. As such, in early 2021 we signed the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, which brings together financial institutions committed to collaborate and share knowledge on biodiversity. It is also an opportunity to better assess our impact on biodiversity, set objectives and report on biodiversity related issues. As part of the FfB Foundation, the supporting organisation behind the Pledge, AXA IM chairs the working group on biodiversity impact metrics and actively participates in the working groups on engagement and advocacy.
During 2021, under the leadership of AXA IM, the working group on impact assessment performed an analysis of the existing data on biodiversity available to investors today, and organised biodiversity knowledge-sharing sessions amongst the members of the working group. AXA IM has also guided the work of the group on the preparation and launch of a public consultation on biodiversity approaches by financial institutions in December 2021. The results of the consultation will be published on the website of the FfB Foundation in 2022 and will be used by the working group on impact metrics to create an investor guide on biodiversity integration.
Also, since 2021 AXA IM has been working on an engagement guide for financial institutions together with other investors and members of the FfB working group on engagement. The engagement guide is due to be published in 2022.

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