Understanding Portfolio Insurance Management (CPPI/TIPP)
- 22 July 2024 (7 min read)
Portfolio Insurance, also known as CPPI (Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance) or TIPP (Time Invariant Portfolio Protection), is an investment strategy designed to protect partly or entirely the initial capital while providing potential returns based on market performance. This approach involves splitting the portfolio between low-risk and high-risk assets and continuously adjusting the allocation to maintain full or partial capital protection. The strategy aims to increase exposure to high-risk assets in rising markets and decrease it in falling markets, requiring precise daily monitoring and rebalancing. Key components include the floor (minimum value for capital protection), cushion (portion of investment value that can be lost without compromising protection), and multiplier (determines high-risk asset exposure).
Portfolio insurance can be offered with or without formal protection, with the management techniques remaining unchanged. Different types of protection, such as formal protection with a gap swap, objective of protection with or without a gap swap meet the diverse needs of different types of investors. Additionally, a ratchet mechanism can lock in gains achieved during the investment period to protect the capital and guarantee a portion of the gains. The strategy's active management approach helps counterbalance the trend-following behaviour and potential downsides, providing a dynamic and adaptable investment solution for both retail and institutional investors.
AXA IM's unique approach to Portfolio Insurance Management combines quantitative analysis, risk management expertise, and active management to deliver customized solutions aligned with specific investment goals. The systematic investment strategy is enhanced by actively managing high-risk asset exposure and interest rate hedging, setting it apart from other portfolio managers or banks offering synthetic strategies.
CPPI/TIPP strategies mitigate emotional decision-making by providing full or partial capital protection and may be tailored to a broad client base with customizable features. In essence, these strategies offer peace of mind to cautious investors, hedge financial risks for institutional investors, and protect pension funds for UK Defined Contribution Plans, making of them an appealing and secure investment option

Derivatives Overlay
Overlay strategies are investment techniques used to manage specific risks or enhance the performance or risk return profile of an existing investment portfolio.
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