Lorraine Zafrani

Head of Structured Asset Management

We aim to structure and manage ad hoc overlay strategies to answer our clients specific evolving needs thanks to our in depth understanding of hedging dynamic and our technical embedded capabilities.

Lorraine joined AXA IM in May 2006 as Global Head of Structured Asset Management. 

Prior to joining AXA IM, Lorraine spent almost 8 years at Sinopia Asset Management (HSBC Group), where she was managing structured products and volatility arbitrage products. Previously, she worked for one year at JP Morgan (Morgan Gestion).

Lorraine graduated from the Paris Pantheon Sorbonne University with a Magistère specialised in Finance and a master specialised in Banking and Finance. She is also a CFA charter holder.

Multi Asset

What is a Derivatives Overlay Strategy?

Overlay strategies are investment techniques used to manage specific risks or enhance the performance or risk return profile of an existing investment portfolio.

Explore our strategy


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