Investing for financial returns and a sustainable future
Thank you very much for attending our workshop Investing for financial returns and a sustainable future with our Portfolio Managers Amanda O’Toole and Mark Hargraves at Citywire Berlin.
Please find links to the presentation, the Clean Economy strategy and our thematics range, as well as supporting reports and articles below.
The investment landscape is evolving rapidly as more companies embrace the need for change to address the major issues of our time. For investors, this means it is crucial to view the world through a lens that looks beyond traditional sectoral or geographic buckets to focus on overarching themes, such as the sustainability of life on earth.
Our Clean Economy strategy invests in the innovative companies creating solutions to address pressures on scarce natural resources and the urgent need for carbon emission reduction. The strategy is part of our ACT product range, which aims to enable clients to take action on environmental and social issues through their investments, while aiming for long-term investment returns.
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Amanda O'Toole
Amanda is the Lead Manager on the Clean Economy strategy. She is also the co-manager of the Global Thematics strategy and the Clean Tech thematic specialist within our internal global research team. Amanda was previously a member of the Emerging Markets team with a focus on energy, utilities, consumer and healthcare.
Prior to joining AXA IM in 2011, Amanda was an Investment Analyst at Nevsky Capital, covering Europe and then Emerging Markets across a range of sectors with emphasis on energy, utilities and consumer. Amanda began her career at PricewaterhouseCoopers, initially in Corporate Recovery and latterly in Corporate Finance. She holds a BA (Hons) in Economics from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne and is an Associate Chartered Accountant.
Mark Hargraves
Mark is Head of Framlington Equities and Lead Portfolio Manager of several global and European equity accounts, including the Global Thematic strategy. Mark has 23 years investment experience. Prior to AXA IM, Mark started his fund management career at Hambros Fund Management in 1995 and gained a wide range of fund management experience running European, EAFE and global portfolios.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Geography (Hons) from the University of Bristol and a Master in Finance from London Business School.
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Our strategy aims to capture the long-term growth potential of new and evolving technologies which allow us to operate our economy and society sustainably.
View fundsTo help people invest in the companies that are embracing these changes, we have adapted our internal research capabilities at Framlington Equities to incorporate the main trends that we believe represent the future for long-term fundamental growth investing
Clean Tech
An equity strategy focused on innovative companies who create solutions to address pressures on scarce natural resources and tackle climate change.
Ageing and lifestyle
The number of over-60s1 is expected to triple in size between 2000 and 2050, creating challenges for companies and individuals.
Connected consumer
Only 13%2 of global retail sales are transacted online, which will likely increase as smartphone adoption rises globally.
Forecast to grow 10-15% annually until 20253, the robotics industry is rapidly changing how we live and work.
Evolving trends
Discover a single point of access to the five major long-term growth themes we have identified in the evolving economy.
Transitioning societies
The growth of the global middle class is at a 150-year high4, boosting consumption in Asia and the developing world.